How To Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer With Essential Oils

I’m not a germophobe and I’m all for my kids playing in the dirt but there are times, especially around flu season or for after those public restroom visits that I like a bit of extra protection for me and my family.

Before I discovered essential oils I would carry a little bottle of Purell in my purse but now I have a natural alternative for you! …


doterra hand spray


All you will need to create your very own all-natural hand sanitizer is: Continue reading

Your Essential Oils Summer Survival Kit!

The summer is fast approaching!  And with summer comes sun, sand, sea … and a LOAD of chemicals!

If you want to minimize the amount of chemicals you are putting on your skin this summer then here are some essential alternatives to make your hot and lazy days more natural.

summer essentials


Make your own sunscreen: Continue reading

Using Essential Oils To Get Rid Of UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections)

Burning feeling when you urinate?   Feel like you need to urinate all the time but nothing comes out?   Yup – sounds like a UTI all right!

uti pain

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the second most common reason people visit their doctors each year. Men get UTIs, but they are much more common in women.  More than eight million women head to their doctor for UTI treatment annually. And 20 percent of these women will get a second UTI.

If you’ve ever had a UTI, you’ll probably never forget the symptoms. It usually starts with a sudden and frequent need to visit the bathroom. When you get there, you can squeeze out only a little bit of urine, and that’s usually accompanied by a burning sensation in your bladder and/or urethra.

The good news is that there are ways to prevent or remedy a UTI.



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